Monday, September 6, 2010

Other Side of the world

So I had an opportunity to move to the Maldives for a couple months to teach English, so that's what I did. I realize that a song named "home" makes little sense here considering I am as far from home as I have ever been, I probably should have included it in my last post, but I like the song so there you go. It does discuss home is wherever the person/people you love is/are, but I reckon that still doesn't apply. I am living with a couple of friends from Gunnison, so that's a nice bonus.

(trust me, I look tanner when I'm not standing next to Maldivians - not really)

The Maldives are an Islamic island nation south of India. The time change is exactly 12 hours ahead of California so I figure I am literally on the opposite side of the world from home. It is currently the end of Ramadan, which the whole nation celebrates, making it hard to find lunch for us ex-pats who are not interested in fasting with the rest of the country. Out of respect (and by law) if we eat or drink during the day we need to do it inside where no one can see us. It would be pretty cruel to drink a bottle of water in front of a bunch of people who have to go all day without (many of whom are working in 90 degree weather). It's a good time to talk to Maldivians about their religion though and I have learned a lot. Not surprisingly, some guys cheat on their fasting and some guys take it pretty seriously. The big difference from the States is you have to be Muslim if you are a citizen. So people who don't really believe have to pretend to for a month or so until Ramadan ends.

My time in the Maldives has been fun and interesting but I will admit it can be boring living on an island. Work keeps me busy during the week and there are a few things to do on the weekend, such as football (american or world), SCUBA diving, snorkeling and I've even given wind-surfing a try. However, come night time there are not a lot options.

Well, I'll post some more soon about the Maldives, but I thought I'd let people know what I have been up to since returning from my road trip.

(Pictures: 1) Post-dive picture 2) view of a resort island from a sea plane 3) me at Banyan Tree resort in front of rainbow 4) view of Male, capital of Maldives from a boat 5) a devil ray grubbing at Banyan tree)