Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Finally caught

So the past two weekends have been pretty fun, but in between was lame. I finally caught the flu/cold bug that has been going around and it knocked me out. I even missed a few hockey games because of it, so lame.

Hard to say getting sick is worth it, but I did have some fun in the process. Last Friday night I went to a Led Zeppelin cover band full of chicks called Zeparella. It. Was. Awesome. They rocked out pretty hard. To the left is the Jimmy Page of the group, she was good, she even brought out the violin strings for a couple songs.

Unfortunately, that was a late night that backed up into "Partners' Ski Day" So I got about 5 hours of sleep and then went boarding all day with my mentee (picture to come - potentially). I had a lot of fun but wore myself out and was done by the time I got home. I was sick pretty much that night through the whole week. Starts in your head moves to your face (as weird as that sounds my face felt weird for a good day) and then down into my throat. Right now it is chilling out in my chest although it is pretty much gone.

This past weekend I went with bro and fam up to Denver for a couple days. We cruised to see the St. Louis Blues play the Colorado Avalanche. Plus we had to drop off my bro with some friends so he can go do some mountain biking for the week in Moab, not too shabby.

(Something for the ladies, my brother tells me this is heartbreaker on the team, TJ Oshi, #74)

The game was pretty fun although the Blues got it handed to them. The final was 7-3, but I am glad to report that the Blues kept playing hard to the last second. It had to be disappointing for them, they are trying to push and pull their ways into the playoffs and had brought a 5 game winning streak to Denver.

I also learned how terrifying a mall can be with kids. Kids are short and malls have towers and sets of clothes everywhere. So your kid can be three feet away from you but just on the other side of a merchandise tower and you suddenly have no idea where they are. Combine that factor with Keziah and Jo's desire to wander to and fro and it definitely keeps you on your toes. But it can be fun too, all that stuff you always ignore is interesting to them. I also determined that Build-a-Bear is a terifying place although I was a fan of this guy.

Ok, my buddy Jon keeps bugging me to throw one of the songs he sends me on my blog. Well I like this one a good bit, a happy song. As an added bonus, I happened to find on YouTube a video of this band having some fun in Aspen, so it is topical as well. Enjoy.

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