Thursday, February 25, 2010

All Apologies

So I'm sorry it's been a while since my last post. Things have been good and I'll try to update you on what's been going on.

1. Team Gunnison Brewery has won two more games and tied two more games. I have also scored another goal, although this one was less exciting beause my shot deflected off of two guys before finding its way into the net. But, it still counts and I'll definitely take it. In one of our games we were down 3 goals heading into the 3rd period but were able to rally back for the tie. It was a pretty nice comeback to keep our undefeated season alive. Next week we play the second best team twice, so that will show us what we are made of.

2. So, I also have the chance to play up pick-up hockey now and again. I played last week and for some reason they put me and my brother on different teams. And... wait for it... I scored on him. Pretty pumped. I kept wanting to make it happen all game long and finally in the 3rd I was able to put one through. Pretty sweet.

3. It dumped out here this past weekend. Here's the view from my window of my car getting covered. It snowed pretty much all day Friday big chuncks of hard falling snow and kept snowing throughout the weekend. It's like Christmas around here when that happens. Everyone and their mom was on the mountain Saturday, including me. I've never run in so much powder before, I was drowning in it.

I went for it Saturday because in really cuddly powder even if you wreck yourself you can catch a pretty soft landing, of course the flip side is you get pretty wet. More than once I used my head to melt the snow in my beanie.

5. I'm engaged**

6. I've been really enjoying the Church I've been going to out here. It's called Bethany Baptist and I'm trying to get more involved with the college guys, so far that has been slow going but there are a couple good guys so I hope it starts to gain momentum. Here's the website in case you are interested.

7. I am also working with an orginization called Partners, which is basically Colorado's version of Big Brothers and Big Sisters. I have been matched up with a 15 year old guy. It's been pretty good, we have only hung out a three times but the last time we seemed to connect better. I'm meeting up with him today to grab lunch and Saturday Crested Butte is sponsoring Partners and letting us take the kids up to the mountain for a free day of skiing/boarding, so that's legit. My kid likes to listen to death metal or as I like to call it scream rock. I tried to check it out on Pandora to be a good mentor, not happening.

** No I'm not

Well, that's it, I'll try to be a bit more consistent.

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