Saturday, August 14, 2010

Taking a break in Chicago

Chicago was a good chance for me to chill out for a few days and rest my butt (the bike can be unforgiving on long rides).

(Rachel and I on the el (train, subway, etc.) heading back after dinner at Piece, an upscalish pizza place that doubles as a karaoke bar)

It was also a great time for me to hang out with some good friends that I don't get to see as often as I'd like. From my days at Michigan, I was able to spend some quality time with Rachel, my buddy Rich, as well as pseudo-stars of this blog, fellow road-trippers Jeremy and Dom. I also got to see a good old friend, Kyle, who I met a ways back in Colorado while we were both working from my bro at Camp Redcloud. I was just a pup back then.

(Kyle and I finding a place out of the pouring rain to watch the Blackhawks beat the Flyers (making Kyle happy) but sadly also seeing the Lakers lose to the Celtics (shocking that I made time to catch another Lakers' game)

(view of Chicago from Rich's balcony, pretty solid)

(Below - smoking some primo stogies on Rich's balcony with Rich and Dom. Jeremy claimed to be in New York and thus missed out on the festivities)

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