Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Santa Cow?

So as part of fitting in in a small mountain town I made the commitment to start listening to country music. Well, driving around in my car today I stumbled upon this nugget playing on the local country station. Warning, it's disturbing, and the video attached, even more so

But to be fair its not all bad, check out this nugget.

(In case you're wondering that's Hootie introducing the song, he's a country star now, just an added bonus with the clip).

I think my favorite thing about the song is when he tells her to watch out for his spit cup. Classic and ... classy.

Also, thanks for voting, three more days left. I'd like to thank mom for voting for the fu man chu, which I'd like to declare as the upset of the decade. Definitely didn't see that coming.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm still learning how to use the internets so I was pretty excited when I learned I could embed stuff from Youtube straight into my Newport v. Gunnison blog. Here is a sweet song you can listen to whilst reading my blog. A buddy from law school tuned me into this, I guess they are a Denver band so maybe I'll have a chance to catch them around.

So it looks like I'll be rolling back to the OC for Christmas next Tuesday. I have to get back in time to finish up my SCUBA certification class so shoot me an email and hopefully we can grab lunch, hang out in Newport, play ball, whatever it is we did before I headed to the mountains.

Also I'm thinking of getting rid of the beard. It's been about a month now and the beard still feels like it's scratching my face (not to mention it bristles when I go running outside). So I decided to throw out a poll to get people's thoughts on what I should do. It should be at the top on the right.

Here's an up to date picture of the beard and the awesome flannel shirt I just bought to fit in here. As I side note, because I can read your mind, I'm willing to part with the chilltastic wallpaper if the price is right.

(note: Poll results are not binding in any way)

Monday, December 7, 2009

End of times - Cold part II, outfitting myself for the winter

So today it snowed, and kept snowing. Seriously it is still snowing and it has been going steady for about 8 hours now. I have not experienced something like this and frankly it is freaking me out. I'm not what I would call tough when it comes to cold weather. They were working on the inside rink today so we played pickup hockey on the outdoor rink. It's fine, you stay warm with all the gear on and skating around but I noticed when I was changing to go back home that some of my sweat was freezing into icicles on my beard and hair.

(I didn't have my camera with me, but this is a rough artist rendition). Anyways, the time had come for me to head to the local Walmart and get some gear that I just didn't have at my house in Newport Beach. I spent some dough on long underwear, comfy sweats, an ice scraper, moonshine (just kidding mom) and snow shoes.

I still feel underprepared. I should have picked up a Rambo knife and flares.

(this should work)

I'm thinking I may also need to take down a bear for the coat. I feel like I'm living in the Day After Tomorrow (I would be Jake Gyllenhal's character, adventurous yet reasonable). http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi3690267417/ The movie is as bad as the preview would lead you to believe. It's ok Jake, I'm still planning on watching your new movie with Peter Parker and my ex (Natalie Portman).

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Oh $#**

So I don't cuss a lot. In fact I try to refrain although I frequently fail when I'm playing sports. Regardless, outside of a basketball court or a hockey rink I'd like to think I do a good job of chilling out on the obscenities. However, that has changed now that I have re-acquainted myself with the cold that comes with winter.

(This is how I feel)

Now, nearly every time I step out the door an expletive of some sort is lost into the cold air. It's not anger or frustration like it may be when playing hockey, it really is just shock. Each and every time I am completely caught off guard by how cold it can be.

(probably residents of Gunnison).

I know it's surprising to think I can constantly be caught off guard but for you Californians just imagine jumping into the ocean at night, off-season, and how you know it's going to be cold but your body is still shocked.

(Don't these poor souls look cold and miserable?)