Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Santa Cow?

So as part of fitting in in a small mountain town I made the commitment to start listening to country music. Well, driving around in my car today I stumbled upon this nugget playing on the local country station. Warning, it's disturbing, and the video attached, even more so

But to be fair its not all bad, check out this nugget.

(In case you're wondering that's Hootie introducing the song, he's a country star now, just an added bonus with the clip).

I think my favorite thing about the song is when he tells her to watch out for his spit cup. Classic and ... classy.

Also, thanks for voting, three more days left. I'd like to thank mom for voting for the fu man chu, which I'd like to declare as the upset of the decade. Definitely didn't see that coming.

1 comment:

  1. That picture at the top looks like half dome in Yosemite.

