Sunday, December 6, 2009

Oh $#**

So I don't cuss a lot. In fact I try to refrain although I frequently fail when I'm playing sports. Regardless, outside of a basketball court or a hockey rink I'd like to think I do a good job of chilling out on the obscenities. However, that has changed now that I have re-acquainted myself with the cold that comes with winter.

(This is how I feel)

Now, nearly every time I step out the door an expletive of some sort is lost into the cold air. It's not anger or frustration like it may be when playing hockey, it really is just shock. Each and every time I am completely caught off guard by how cold it can be.

(probably residents of Gunnison).

I know it's surprising to think I can constantly be caught off guard but for you Californians just imagine jumping into the ocean at night, off-season, and how you know it's going to be cold but your body is still shocked.

(Don't these poor souls look cold and miserable?)

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