Friday, June 25, 2010

Angels of Worthington Minnesota

So I lost (it was stolen!!! sort of) my wallet in Worthington Minnesota. 10-15 miles away from Worthington, MN I realized that I didn't have my wallet and this was a huge problem. No cash, no ATM, no credit cards, no ID, I even lost my SCUBA certification card (gasp). I raced back to the gas station I left it at hoping a Good Samaritan returned it to the gas attendants. Considering I was in the Bible Belt I thought my chances were decent. No dice. I took off back up the interstate hoping that maybe it dropped out of my pocket while I was riding. Again, no luck. Back to Worthington, once more I asked at the gas station if someone had returned my wallet and to cover all my bases I went next door to the KFC to see if somehow, somebody, had returned it there, nothing. I was getting exasperated (just wanted to get that word in).

Out of ideas (not really, I was just out of good ideas, I was planning on heading to a local bank to see if I could get some cash) I called pops, hoping he would have a better assesment on my plight. After letting him know what happened he responded simply with an expletive, not very reassuring. In his defense I had the same reaction when I discovered I had lost my wallet. I told him my bank idea, but he pointed out that they are not just handing money out at a bank to some guy without ID.

(probably the guy who didn't return my wallet. Most likely using my ID to buy cigarettes)

So I'm screwed right? I had about a half to 3/4 full gas tank and I was still 330 miles away from Baraboo, WI, my next stop. If I was able to get there I could get to a Chase bank or borrow some cash from my buddy Wade who I'd be staying with, but how on a bike with no cash? (Are you in a cold fearfull sweat?) Well, in the midst of the moment that I was aptly realizing the full extent of my sorrowful situation a lady who happened to overhear my crisis walked over to me and intervened. While I was still on the phone with my dad this lady with no name handed me $100 in cash. Naturally, I was in shock. I asked her if I could get her address and send her a check and she said no need and walked away. Another woman standing near by gave me a few bucks and offered give me a ride (not really helpful but her heart was in the right place). Still in shock and holding over a 100 bucks I told her I was fine and thank you very much. I mean wow. I don't even know what to say, what a blessing for sure, out of no where.

I just think its crazy how one person found my wallet and decided to keep it and the cash where simple decency would have led the person to returning it, meanwhile another person goes well above and beyond a simple act of kindness and saved me on my trip. Well thank you very much random lady. By the way, I included the Mary McDonnell picture (of Dances With Wolves fame) because the woman who helped me out looked like an older actress who I couldn't place. McDonnell was the closest I could find but the woman who helped me was a brunette. Regardless thank you very much.

The other girl was a bit younger, probably in her 20s and her name was Rachel. Unfortunately she didn't look like anyone famous. I would describe her as normal-looking-cute-brunette, sort of like the girl pictured. That's the best I can do to praise these two women who helped me out big time in a moment of crises. So thanks.

This was the only song I could think of with Angel in the title (just kidding, I'm just messin with my mom). But it does bring up a valid consideration; that girl your checking out across the room who you think might just be an angel is probably actually pretty shady (still kidding, totally kidding).

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