Monday, June 7, 2010

Making it happen in Bryce Canyon

I know it has been a while since my last post, but I'm hoping to hit up a few in a row. Bryce Canyon was great although it was slightly lost in the middle of Zion and Moab/Arches. Bryce was a bit like being taken to a different planet. The scenery was a trip.

(Jeremy in foreground, me in background).

We didn't do too much hiking in Bryce although the hiking we did do was adventurous. We wandered around a bit in the valley seeing interesting rock formations caused by erosion. Pretty chill stuff to check out. The adventure part took place when we hiked to check out "two bridges." It was a bunch of loose rock that was pretty difficult to climb but we all figured it would be worth it because we assumed (incorrectly) that it would lead us to the end of the trail.

(see, two bridges, neither of which take you anywhere. Sounds like a U2 song). At the top though it's just a dead end meaning I had to come all the way back down along the trecherous worthless rock.

(me trying to figure out how to get back down and not doing a good job of it. I think I look like Obi - Wan in the original Star Wars turning off the shields on the Death Star (how big of a nerd am I) (rhetorical question)).

(me at "two bridges" more or less)

I considered just climbing up the rock wall at the end. Jeremy and Dom strongly suggested that would be a bad idea but I didn't want to come back down the way I had come. It turned out to be very sound advice since climbing up would have just put me in the middle of nowhere far above the path I had just abandoned; meaning I would have had to somehow scale back down the "cliff" and still slide down the devilish two bridges path I so passionately wanted to avoid. Although it would have been a good picture seeing me at the top of a cliff in the middle of nowhere good with nowhere to go.

Just a big mess all around.

Although I apologize for the crudeness of this picture, it pretty much summed up our feelings very well of how we felt towards the two bridges path and how there was no mention that it was a pain in the butt dead end. You can sort of see someone scratched into the sign in the top left the words "dead end." Um, we missed that. "That's something you could have told me yesterday!!!" (anyone? anyone?). You can also see the wound one of us suffered (I'm not allowed to say who this is because it may be considered defamation, which I was warned against) heading back down the path.

(a little worn out after our hiking, waiting for the shuttle back to the camp site).

We also decided to get up at 430 (not a typo) and go to sunrise point to watch the sunrise. It was a bit of a disappointment, nothing much to speak of, but on the flip side it was freezing cold and I think my heart stopped a couple times.

(this is about as pretty as it got)

(Or more accurately "overstated tourist attraction point")

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