Saturday, June 12, 2010

I think you missed a spot

I feel this is particularly appropriate here, I did a lot of of riding on the open road through Wyoming and South Dakota.

My drive and time in Wyoming and South Dakota were great, just a lot (emphasis a lot) of scenery. It's so green with rolling hills and some cool wildlife. I rolled through fairly quickly considering the mileage I covered, but that was mostly because I didn't have any friends to hang with in SD, so I just rolled on through. But I did see Mount Rushmore and the Corn Palace, the pride of Mitchell SD. (it's real. My favorite part is it's proud claim that it is the ONLY Corn Palace in the world). I have to pay compliments to Jeremy for this one who kept talking about it. I happened to stay in Mitchell and still would have likely passed on the opportunity to see the Corn Palace had it not been for Jeremy talking about it so much (admittedly, jokingly) while we were in Utah (I know, you thought we were done with Jeremy and Dom until Chicago, sorry).

(really, it's real)

(see, world's only. A lady working at the Corn Palace was ever so nice to take this picture for me, I feel kind of bad making fun of it, but it's a Corn Palace).

Unfortunately, my camera still wasn't working when I passed through Mount Rushmore, so instead of stealing a nice pick of Mount Rushmore, from the internets I've decided to post my favorite parodies of Mount Rushmore (I mean, if you haven't seen Mount Rushmore I don't know what to say).

Ok, I searched for parodies and that did not work out as I had dreamed, so here are some classic Simpson parodies, I refuse to put up a picture of Mount Rushmore:

See. Simpson paradies cover art, pop culture, movies, music and even politics, but alas no Mount Rushmore.

And, South Dakota (and a little bit of Wyoming) also offered me my first taste of riding in the rain.

About the last 30-40 miles or so of Wyoming and the first 30-40 miles of South Dakota I received my first taste of riding in rain. This picture may appear a significant exaggeration, but it really is just a slight one (and I didn't have the cool yellow rain suit). When the rain is coming down hard it feels a lot like white water rafting. Passing a semi coming in the opposite direction on a one lane highway feels a bit like rolling through a rapid, you get covered by water from head to toe. The spray covers you and makes a fairly significant physical impact. But for the most part the ride was pretty sweet. It's funny to think that you could have thrown me in a lake and I still wouldn't have been more wet.

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