Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is Newport Beach any different than Gunnison?

I'm glad you asked. Yes it is. First and foremost there is a Walmart in Gunnison. This is huge. If there's one in the OC I don't know where. Second, although Gunni is a reasonably sized town with the beforementioned Walmart and a college campus apparently you have to go the next town, Montrosse about 50 minutes away, to get basketball shoes. I consider this shocking. Next, I've seen a few college chicks or skater chicks or something that sag their pants (they wear shorts or boxers underneath) as opposed to wearing tight-ass jeans. They still ride around on cruisers though (now that it's starting to snow I'm guessing that will come to an end, we'll see). Instead of getting Fox Sports West 1 & 2 and therefore access to the Lakers and Clippers I get the Altitude Channel (Nuggets and Avalanche) and Fox Sports Utah or whatever it is called (Jazz games). So I still get as much basketball but not my favorite teams. Let's see, one last one, for your electronic needs instead having Best Buys all over the place there is one tiny Radio shack in the back of an Ace Hardware store.

Oh, and it's cold out here. The weather actually changes from day to day.

Alright, till next time.

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