Sunday, November 15, 2009

Western State Rugby

So I decided to go for a walk yesterday while enjoying a cigar to check out my new town. And as luck would have it I happened upon the Western State (Gunnison) women's rugby team against cross-town rival Mesa (really have no idea where Mesa is from or if they are a rival). What's fascinating about women's rugby is that many of the women there are athletic and into it but there are a few out there that seem to be forced to show up on the basis that they lost a bet or by the force of an underhanded bribe. It is with mixed emotions of excitement and fear when a player that clearly wants nothing to do with the ball happens upon it. It is only a matter of time (not long) until one of the athletic get-after-it chicks from the other team comes upon that unfortunate girl and lays her out. There were definitely some exciting plays and big hits but I think my favorite was when #7 (I think) from Mesa looked like she was going to break free for a touchdown running the entire field. However #13 (maybe) from WSU caught her running her down right before the goal line. Pretty impressed that she caught her. Unfortunately I did not stick around until the game ended to pick up some digits. As I mentioned before the weather changes quickly in Gunni and I started getting pretty cold. I will say, to my chagrin, that Mesa was up four TDs to none by the time I left. I need to plan better for poor weather.

Anyways, I can only dream of what other adventures lie ahead of me in Gunnison.

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