Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Trading basketball shoes in for hockey skates (temporarily)

(Not me)

So one of the reasons I headed out to the mountains for the winter is to play some hockey with my bro, which means I need to learn how to play hockey, which naturally means I need how to learn how to skate, which is a bit tricky.

For example here I am on a breakaway (I'm wearing my Blues jersey)... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD-T93jpS5Y

Anyways, I'd like to think what I lack in skating ability I make up for in heart, of course heart is of limited value when your falling on your ass but I'm doing a decent job of mostly staying on my feet and least being around the play (even if I'm not doing too much about it).

I think I'm improving but here are some comments from my first time out last Friday

Me: "Man I'm tired"
Dude: "Yeah you get tired faster when you can't skate"

Old guy: "You look like Zetterberg but you sure can't skate like Zetterberg"

Regarding the second comment Zetterberg is a pro, decide for yourself if you think he looks like me.

And yes it breaks my heart he plays for the Wings.

I played again today with a full crew and it was a lot of fun, but I will say after both times I have played I felt like I was about to throw-up. However, I'm hoping with all my hard work at some point my break away play will improve to...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Im9HuZyQh0 (yes it's a nine year old kid but it's the best I could find on youtube).

Regardless, at least I'll look the part with my hockey beard.

Next episode ... Ice Fishing 101.

1 comment:

  1. hey bro, lovin the blog. When i pulled it up to show Michelle. she said, "Mark got a mullet and red wings jersey?!?!?!" soooo...yeah you look like Henrik. i know a kid in Gunni, Payson, who can bust that move. He is always trying to get by me.
    Can't wait to share the ice with you.
