Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wolf Creek powder

Sorry about the delay in blogging. I was gone all day Monday snowboarding, the first runs of the season. Pretty good time. Unfortunately I made the mistake of going down the "Alberta" trail which was great powder but also in the middle of a bunch of trees, not really conducive to my skill level. Exerted a lot of energy digging myself out of deep snow. Anyways, definitely kept to the treeless paved slopes the rest of the day. Pretty fun way to spend a day. I was beat though by the end and basically did nothing that night but watch "the Prisoner" on AMC. After watching about 5 hours of it I decided it was only ok. Live and learn.

Still haven't balled since I've been out to Gunni, doesn't seem to be a big deal here, but I did meet a dude that said I may be able play on his league team come the new year. That could be fun, show these mountain guys what's up. This dude also is big into fishing so it looks like I will be getting up at 5 Sunday mornings to go ice fishing this winter. Pretty excited about that prospect.

Well, off to go learn how to ice-skate so I can play some hockey this winter and not drag my team down.

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