Friday, November 13, 2009

Leaving the warm sunny sand for the cooler sunny mountains

One of my friends at my old job in Newport Beach, California recommended - in light of the significant lifestyle change that I am embarking upon - that I should start writing a blog, if only for the friends I leave behind at my old job. So here's my shot at it.

I left Monday morning 11/7 5:30 a.m. Cali time to head with everything I could fit into my 4Runner to Gunnison, Colorado. It's a pretty long drive (just over 13 hours) but it was a perfect day and with the help of a few cigars, some coffee and good tunes it wasn't too bad. By the time I got into Gunni, picked up my apartment key and checked in it was a little after 8 p.m. Rocky Mountain time (the time change is already an issue as I have to wait an extra hour to watch sporting events including the Lakers who fortunately get tons of national coverage).

I was pretty tired when I opened the door to my new home but there was still a lot of work to be done. First of all, it was a bit dusty and I still had to unpack my truck. Fortunately a friend from Lake City, CO was willing to meet me at my new pad and help me clean and move. It took a while and I didn't crash until after 12, but the place was clean and my junk was at least in the apartment even if it wasn't put away. Day 1 of my move to CO.

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