Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Here's a picture of the groom with his groomsmen. The wedding was cool and definitely a fun weekend but getting to and fro was a bit of a hassle with apparent apocolyptic weather throughout. A lot of snow, which was great for scenic driving but made the trip take a bit longer.

(Jonny, the groom, in white)

So, sorry about the nightlife blog delay, but I should get to it Thursday. Also Gunnison Brewery was able to pull off another win despite the absence of the Pollitt bros. We aer now 4-0 looking to stay undefeated tonight against Unity PC. Plus I'll be sporting a new stick tonight.

Here are some pics on the road.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The People have spoken

(hint: not quite)

So, nightlife won the "Next Newport v. Gunnison" poll question. So I'll be putting that together here soon. I will be heading to Arizona for a wedding this weekend so I may not get to it right away but it will happen once I get back.

Also, Gunnison Brewery is now 3-0. We won 2-0 last night with the last goal coming in the last minute on an empty netter. Our goalie (not my bro who had to work but a Western State freshman) played great. On a power play I assisted on the game winning goal. A bit of luck but I'll take it. I went to the boards behind the net for the puck and more or less blindly centered it hoping someone would be there. It deflected off a defender's stick right to a teammate who put in a nice goal. We'll be missing Thursday night's game for a wedding, but hopefully the Brewery can keep the streak alive in our absence.

Until next time.

Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm a poor, dilapitated, senile, on welfare man's Moses Malone, who's also hungover

I'm going to cut to the chase, in Sunday night's game I scored the game winning goal. That's right, yours truly. Too say the least I was pretty pumped. I scored it near the beginning of the third period and we held on to the lead to win 4-3. Another great goalie performance by bro.

Admittedly the goal was not an incredible feat of athleticism or physical prowess, it was simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time, jonny on the spot, or, if you'll indulge a NBA fan, Moses Malone. The reason I call myself a poor ... man's Moses Malone is because he was the king of the offensive boards and I don't really follow hockey enough to find a more relevant comparison. For my goal I followed in a teammate on a pseudo breakaway. He took a shot and the goalie made the save but the "offensive rebound"* came right in front of the net where I had planted myself. Once the puck came trickling my way all I had to do was slap that thing right into the net, which I'm happy to say is exactly what I did.

Next game is tonight at 840 Pacific. Unfortunately bro isn't going to be able to make it so hopefully we get a good goalie to replace him, we'll see.

* My brother refers to this as picking up the trash and thus has referred to me a couple times as a trashman.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I need a new stick

Don't worry "I need a new stick" is not an excuse for my play (that's my skates fault - kidding, kidding). But first, let's get to the most important aspect. We won. We won, with 20 seconds left in OT 2-1, which is great because I was starting to dread the thought of a tie. In large part the vicotry was obtained thanks to good D and great goalie work by my bro Patch, who didn't give up any soft goals. The only goal against was on a break away by one of the other teams' best players.

Also, it's nice to know that my competitive spirit has transferred to the rink from the court even though I'm not as good at hockey as hoops. It's just fun to have your team (the Gunnison Brewery, how did I luck out with that?) and go after a win. Reminiscent of Team Gibson basketball.

About the stick - so, I've never played hockey before with refs and although I know many of the rules there were a couple I didn't know about. One, you have to stand outside the red circle on face-offs. In my defense the circles were barely visible, regardless I didn't know the rule, I basically just stood as far away from the centers as the guy on the other team. However, the rule I did not know that caused greater embarrassement was the broken stick rule. So for some reason, during play, the blade broke off my stick, which basically leaves the stick as a spear. Thus, for safety reasons you are supposed to immediately drop the shaft of the stick. However, instead of dropping the stick I did what seemed to be reasonable at the time (and seems kind of silly now) and held on to my stick, skated over to the broken blade, picked it up and started skating over to my bench with both pieces. I thought that was very considerate of me. However, the other teams' bench kept telling me to drop the stick, which I didn't do. I knew I couldn't play with the broken stick, but thought it was ok to skate off with it, I was wrong. Anyways, the ref showed me some grace and didn't call a penalty on me but just told me later that next time he would. Lesson learned.

Overall, I thought I did alright, but definitely am looking for a lot of improvement. That said, I think I can hang and look forward to future games now that the first game nerves are behind me. Next game; Sunday night, and Gunnison Brewery is looking to go 2-0.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


So, the "gross" comment seemed to be the standard reaction to the stache that I received from friends emailing me about it. In fact, a few of my buddies expressed some level of surprise that I wasn't arrested while sporting the stache on the streets of Gunnison.

Mom enjoyed the birthday videos, so special thanks to the nieces for making it all possible.

Not too surprising that "nightlife" is off to a quick start in the next blog comparison. I voted Basketball v. Hockey, but unlike the beard poll, I will succumb to the masses and whatever the people decide...

Speaking of hockey, my first game is tonight. Pretty excited. One of my buddy's said he may go which could mean some video footage of me making things happen on the ice.

Well, that's all I've got. Except for a bonus picture of my boy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

It takes mom's birthday for me to continue to expand my horizons and dive deeper into the vast opportunities provided by the internets. In today's entry, video from the family out in Gunni wishing mom a very happy 50th birthday back in Cali

Jo starts off the birthday wishes

And Keziah and some friends join the fun

And now for singing Happy Birthday (sorry, this is sideways, I can't figure out how to rotate a video, which admittedly should be simple). This clip also includes Asher utilizing the "Blue Steel"* pose to break hearts.

And finally mom's boys, check out Keziah.

*For those of you who missed the pseudo phenomenon that is Zoolander, this is the "Blue Steel" I refer to, by Ben Stiller

Stache and Survey

With no further ado, here's the 'stache.
Also, please let me know what you want the next NPBv.Gunni topic to be (see poll on right).

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mark the Runner?

Well, lets not get ahead of ourselves quite yet but I did shock the world (well myself and those of you who knew how big of a cold weather sissy I could be) when I decided to throw caution to the wind and embark on my scheduled run despite the fact that it was (-)8 degrees outside. That's right, 40 degrees BELOW freezing. I guess I can say it's not as bad as it sounds, it feels wonderful in a weird sort of way. Admittedly cold thin air at high altitude makes breathing tough but I reckon running is supposed to be tough and that's part of the appeal.
Hockey season starts this week (Thursday night is our first game). I'm pretty excited about that, I'll try to get some video or pics of me in action. Maybe my brother can do it while he is playing goalie.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hope, defined

Sometimes things are rough, like nothing is going your way, but I encourage you to keep your head up and refuse to give in to the weight that desperately attempts to bring you down. Instead, keep believing in the boundless possibilities of a new tomorrow and maybe one day you too will open up the classifieds in the local paper and see staring you in the face the job God made you for...

ART MODELS NEEDED FOR SPRING SEMESTER! $15 per hour nude & $8 per hour clothed. Nude models will be given priority. All body types welcome.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas in Cali New Years in Gunnison

So I have to say the weather in California was absolutely perfect during the ten days or so I was home for Christmas. Definitely took advantage of the opportunity to read outside, take the dog for daily long walks and I even went for a few runs, which I actually enjoyed, surprisingly. I also reminded myself how much I enjoy just throwing on a pair of flips as opposed to taking the time to put on warm socks and boots to keep the feet warm.

Christmas was fun, Nana and Grandpa, myself, bro and sister in law, the granddaughters and newborn grandson, along with Popcorn who got shut out again this year on Christmas gifts.

(three generations of Pollitt men)

(And Nana with her princesses)

We were back in Gunnison for New Years, and I only have one picture from that night, but I think it does the trick.

(I don't recall why this occurred)

Well all apologies to the many voters, but I decided to shave. It was simply too unruly, although looking at the pictures I want it back. The upside is that I took a picture of my gnarly mustache before shaving it off and returning to, as a buddy at law school put it, Corporate Mark. Pictures to follow. Happy New Year.