Friday, January 15, 2010

I need a new stick

Don't worry "I need a new stick" is not an excuse for my play (that's my skates fault - kidding, kidding). But first, let's get to the most important aspect. We won. We won, with 20 seconds left in OT 2-1, which is great because I was starting to dread the thought of a tie. In large part the vicotry was obtained thanks to good D and great goalie work by my bro Patch, who didn't give up any soft goals. The only goal against was on a break away by one of the other teams' best players.

Also, it's nice to know that my competitive spirit has transferred to the rink from the court even though I'm not as good at hockey as hoops. It's just fun to have your team (the Gunnison Brewery, how did I luck out with that?) and go after a win. Reminiscent of Team Gibson basketball.

About the stick - so, I've never played hockey before with refs and although I know many of the rules there were a couple I didn't know about. One, you have to stand outside the red circle on face-offs. In my defense the circles were barely visible, regardless I didn't know the rule, I basically just stood as far away from the centers as the guy on the other team. However, the rule I did not know that caused greater embarrassement was the broken stick rule. So for some reason, during play, the blade broke off my stick, which basically leaves the stick as a spear. Thus, for safety reasons you are supposed to immediately drop the shaft of the stick. However, instead of dropping the stick I did what seemed to be reasonable at the time (and seems kind of silly now) and held on to my stick, skated over to the broken blade, picked it up and started skating over to my bench with both pieces. I thought that was very considerate of me. However, the other teams' bench kept telling me to drop the stick, which I didn't do. I knew I couldn't play with the broken stick, but thought it was ok to skate off with it, I was wrong. Anyways, the ref showed me some grace and didn't call a penalty on me but just told me later that next time he would. Lesson learned.

Overall, I thought I did alright, but definitely am looking for a lot of improvement. That said, I think I can hang and look forward to future games now that the first game nerves are behind me. Next game; Sunday night, and Gunnison Brewery is looking to go 2-0.

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