Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm a poor, dilapitated, senile, on welfare man's Moses Malone, who's also hungover

I'm going to cut to the chase, in Sunday night's game I scored the game winning goal. That's right, yours truly. Too say the least I was pretty pumped. I scored it near the beginning of the third period and we held on to the lead to win 4-3. Another great goalie performance by bro.

Admittedly the goal was not an incredible feat of athleticism or physical prowess, it was simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time, jonny on the spot, or, if you'll indulge a NBA fan, Moses Malone. The reason I call myself a poor ... man's Moses Malone is because he was the king of the offensive boards and I don't really follow hockey enough to find a more relevant comparison. For my goal I followed in a teammate on a pseudo breakaway. He took a shot and the goalie made the save but the "offensive rebound"* came right in front of the net where I had planted myself. Once the puck came trickling my way all I had to do was slap that thing right into the net, which I'm happy to say is exactly what I did.

Next game is tonight at 840 Pacific. Unfortunately bro isn't going to be able to make it so hopefully we get a good goalie to replace him, we'll see.

* My brother refers to this as picking up the trash and thus has referred to me a couple times as a trashman.

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